Tuesday 11 May 2010

Day Six & Seven Of Chicken Pox

The weekend and I could happily say that the end was in sight. First day with no fresh new spots and they were all beginning the slow process of healing. Scabs are awful things, and they do not look nice. I no longer looked like I had been suffering with Chicken Pox and instead look like I had been attacked - with a very sharp pencil. I have a name for every stage of the Chicken Pox process.

The first stage is when the first spots start coming out, and this quite rightly I have named the ‘Puberty Stage’. The second stage is when the face is covered with these spots and has dramatically swollen, and I named this the ‘Elephant Man Stage’. Thirdly, and disgustingly, is when the spots burst and the puss dries and I think this is the ‘Elephant Man With A Fungal Infection Stage’. Then you have the stage I am on now when the face has gone back to its normal size, scabs have formed and the dried puss fallen off, which is the ‘Attacked With A Sharp Pencil Stage’.

I hit depression again the weekend though which was not good. Whenever I am ill for more than a few days, you can almost guarantee that at some point I will suffer from depression. Maybe I do have some server mental problem, but that is a problem for another year. A letter confirming my University cancellation was the final brick in the towering depression. Anyway, the weekend was not the most cheerful of time for me, but the fact that I was beginning to heal, a few days ahead of the Doctor’s prediction was good. There is hope for my immune system yet.

Me getting Chicken Pox is somewhat of a relief though. All my childhood my Mum tried desperately to make me have the virus, but of course my body was very stubborn and refused to get it. I finally have it, and I have had it young enough to avoid any major complications. Sure, my scars will be worse than normal, but that is something I can live with. The timing was not brilliant, but at least they are out the way and another major event in my life has passed quite uneventfully.

I still at this stage had the beard and left-parted hair which made me look worse and less like Stuart, but of course you still cannot shave when you have Scabs as that will hinder the healing process for a few days and the hair being swept to the side stopped it getting stuck in my healing forehead. To be honest, I hope no-one ever reads this blog while eating because I have a suspicion I would put them off. Chicken Pox is actually quite a disgusting virus to explain to someone. I do feel very sorry for the friends that have asked the fatal question of ‘How are the Chicken Pox today?’ as more than often I have returned with a visual description of the stage I currently was at.

Webcam is a brilliant invention also for those who didn’t believe that Chicken Pox could be so bad and couldn’t understand why I was making a big fuss over it. I am sure many people had nightmares after seeing my mug on their screen during the ‘Elephant Man With A Fungal Infection Stage’. It is a shame I got Chicken Pox in May instead of the end of October. Would have been much cheaper than a plastic Halloween mask, and certainly would have scared any small children coming around for a handful of sweets. May also have made people think twice before egging the house, for there was a strange monster that might devour them.

Other than all that, my Chicken Pox is fine. Another few days and I will be recovered enough to return to my normal routine of going to school every day. Just need the scabs to heal over better. Very proud of my Immune System though! Thank-you.

Ciao for now!

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