Wednesday 12 May 2010

Day Eight & Nine Of Chicken Pox

Over a week of having Chicken Pox and I can happily say the (to use an overused cliché) there is light at the end of the spotty tunnel. Body has almost stopped itching and scabs are nearing the end of their life on my body. All in all, it is easy to say that a virus that was expected to take 10 days to heal as only taken about eight, so I am very proud of my immune system.

Due to the virus ending, it has meant that on Tuesday I final managed to shave and comb my hair back to normality. The stubble finally went on Tuesday and that was a painful experience – however, I lost no blood as a result so it did go better than I expected. It has revealed a face that is still quite red and patchy. I do wonder how long it will take for my skin to fully recover from being completely covered in Chicken Pox. I never thought my skin was that nice before, but now I think it was lovely.

While having Chicken Pox, I have bathed every day and not only does it stop you from smelling (because not only do you look bad, but you smell bad too) but it also helps to relieve the itching. For me, I have not put any fancy bath salts or Bicarbonate Soda in the bath as I found it just made me itch more. The Internet is full of people suggesting ways to relieve the itching and what-not, but I have actually found that using absolutely nothing helps. I know I have already said this in a previous blog, but I just want to reiterate the point. One thing I have found useful during the scabbing period is E45 cream, or any moisturising cream would help. It helps the skin to recover quicker. If you use it on your face and you haven’t shaved for over a week, it does get stuck in the beard, but that is a small price to pay.

At this point in the Chicken Pox illness, I feel absolutely fine. If I was to never look in the mirror, I would think that there was nothing wrong with me. My body is now just repairing the skin. Slowly, but I want it done properly. I am already aware of a few scars/dents that Chicken Pox is leaving. I have a rather big one in the chest and a few small ones by my nose thus far. I am sure there will be more though.

My appetite has yet to return though. Getting ill is the only way in which I seem able to lose weight, which is slightly worrying. At the moment, I am hungry, but as soon as I start to eat, the hunger will disappear and I will only eat a small amount. This is a shame, but the only thing which is wrong with me now is lack of energy. I feel like I have been ill as I feel so drained emotionally and physically. Of course, part of this is due to the lack of eating, and thus the paradox continues.

I have come off of all the drugs I was on. Anti-Histamines were the first to go as they are suppose to slower your driving reaction speed, so seeing as I want to go out, they have gone. They were supposed to stop my itching too, but I never really felt their benefits. Essentially, anything that was designed to stop me itching I seemed immune to, which was not a great help. The second to go were the Paracetamol. This was just generally used to relieve all the aches and pains that also come with Chicken Pox. I was taken eight a day, plus the Anti-Histamines, so ten tablets a day - not even druggies take that much.

Seeing as I am pretty much better, I have no excuse to no longer be at school, so on Wednesday I shall be returning to school so my peers can all ask ‘How are you feeling?’ and drive me made with the question being constantly asked. I have missed school and my friends. Chicken Pox is a soul-crushing illness and all you want is a hug. Of course, it would be careless to hug people when you have a virus, whether they have had Chicken Pox before or not. I am looking forward to getting a few hugs, and hopefully it will help me down from the tower of depression and back onto the flatlands of being content.

There is not really a great deal to say really that wouldn’t just be repetitive or even more boring, so I shall end the blog here. I am planning two more updates here. One to go through my first few days back at school and how everyone reacted to someone with a scabby face, and the other when I have fully recovered and healed to explain anything else that may happen and go through all my dents and scars. I may buy some Bio-oil...

Ciao for now!

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